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Crafting Project Ideas Using Mica Pigment Powder

Crafting Project Ideas Using Mica Pigment Powder

If you're looking to add a splash of color to your crafting projects, there isn't much that will get the job done as quickly and easily as a good mica pigment powder. Maybe you need a bit of inspiration for crafting project ideas which use mica powder, Hippie Crafter is ready to assist with this article!

There is no shortage of crafts that couldn't use a dash of mica powder to take things to the next level. As your read our blog I hope that you will let your mind run wild and consider some of the other amazing uses for a glittery coloring agent that is extremely easy to apply and enjoy.

Scrap-booking Glitter Substitute

Speaking of easy to apply, have you ever experienced the nightmare that is using glitter in a crafting project? Every project for the next few months will include those little sparkles. Mica powder mixed in water has been a revelation in my scrap-booking and painting endeavors.

You can wet a paintbrush and dip the tip into some mica powder to apply it directly. Another fun alternative is letting a spray-bottle do the legwork for you. Simply give the bottle a shake and spray it onto whatever requires some extra glitz.

Crafting Project Ideas Using Mica Pigment Powder bath bombs

Bath Bombs

Creating your own bath bombs can be supremely fun if you know what you're doing. Even if you're simply piecing together a pre-made bath bomb kit it's still possible to push those bath bombs to the limit by adding a dash of colorful mica powder. Mix and match to get the exact color you're looking for, or even an entirely new color!

A little bit of mica powder pigment goes a long way and it is a much better choice than other dyes. I've heard some hilarious stories about kids using a bath bomb or two and coming out of the tub looking like Smurfs. Mica powder might leave a bit of a shimmer but it doesn't stick to skin like a dye.

Soaps and Candles

While you're enjoying that custom bath bomb, you can color coordinate everything for maximum relaxation. Candles are nice because you can go wild. I really like mixing mica into the wax as it's being poured for some really unexpected streaks of color in your candle!

Colorful soap is eye-catching and it's so nice that you might be hesitant to use it up! I enjoy adding a bit of flair to my bathroom counter or shower soap dish with a bit of colorful mica powder in my soap. Color coordination is also a great benefit. The yellow soap is for the shower, the blue soap is for the bathroom sink. I might even make a new color for the kitchen... Just for fun!

Crafting Project Ideas Using Mica Pigment Powder slime craft

Amazing Slime

One thing I've learned about having kids is that they love slime. Making slime is always a good time, but what fun is a giant blob without a splash of color? Our mica powder will mix with your batch of slime quickly and easily which adds a whole new level of engagement to a slime crafting project!

My kids are masters of slime at this point, so anything that offers a change-up is a net positive. We tried food coloring but it mixes too quickly to offer what mica powder can. The streaks of color will only last before it's completely mixed, but you can always add more mica powder to extend the fun!

Epoxy Resin

Epoxy resin is the most versatile crafting project around. You can make absolutely anything with it. Coasters, cups, figurines, wall decorations. If you can imagine it, epoxy resin can probably make it a reality. Have you ever seen a waterfall table? Well, epoxy resin is the secret behind the beauty.

Most resin products will dry clear or with a yellow, blue, or purple tint due to the UV protectant. In order to get the color exactly right, mica powder is the key to success. It easily disperses into the epoxy mixture and adds a bit of shimmer at the same time. This combination can create something that is truly breathtaking.

Crafting Project Ideas Using Mica Pigment Powder nail art

Nail Art

Mica powder has become extremely popular for nail artists, from professionals to amateurs. You can add a few flecks of color or coat the entire nail. It's going to turn heads no matter what you decide to go for. There are plenty of nail art tutorials out there and they all turn to mica powder at one point or another.

Final Thoughts

Mica powder is a fantastic addition to any crafting tool kit. The uses for it seem endless. If you need to add some color and glitz to your art then mica powder is a prime candidate. If you haven't tried it yet, I'd highly encourage you to do so. Tossing out all of the glitter that seems to get everywhere whenever I try to craft with it has been an absolute revelation.