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7 Factors to Consider When Buying Art Supplies

7 Factors to Consider When Buying Art Supplies

Engaging in creative activities has several proven health benefits. Artistic expression improves mental health. It helps some people deal with trauma and build a positive identity.

Practicing your creativity also has brain-boosting effects. It improves learning and memorization. However, to do art and nurture your creativity, you need art supplies. 

Sure, you can make art with a pencil and a piece of paper. To maximize your creativity, you'll want more tools.

Don't go buying pencils and paintbrushes yet!

Before you go, consider the following when buying art supplies. Read on because here are seven factors to consider:

1. Know What Art You Want to Do

Before you buy art supplies, know the type of art you plan to do. It determines the supplies and materials you'll need.

It saves more time because you already have a concrete idea of what to get. However, if you're learning about the type of art you'll specialize in, don't fret. Every artist has a common set of materials and tools, such as:

Graphite Pencils and Eraser

Whatever your medium, you'll likely need to draw your subject before painting. It means you'll always need a reliable set of pencils.

In most cases, three or four basic pencils will do. Get a 2B for general sketching and shading. You'll want a 4H for light shading and a 6B for darker shadows.

When using pencils, you'll also need erasers. Get both a regular white eraser and a kneaded eraser. Kneaded erasers are moldable so you can do precise erasures and shading.

Drawing Paper

You'll need a drawing surface to make your preliminary sketches on. Cheaper sketchbooks for practicing are fine. Make sure the paper you buy is acid-free so it doesn't yellow over time.  Our Sketch Pad is the perfect option.

Basic art supplies


You can already do a lot even with a limited palette. As a beginner, it's better to start small since it will otherwise overwhelm you.



You'll need at least blue, red, brown, and yellow for your basic palette. It applies whether you go for oils, acrylics, or watercolors.

Brushes and Palette

When painting with acrylics, you must have at least three brushes.

There's a filbert for general painting and to smooth out details. A flat wash brush is for painting backgrounds. A small liner brush is for working on finer details.

The same number applies to watercolor brushes.

Get a medium or large-sized flat brush (3/4) for washes. A round brush of size 8, 10, or 14 is for general painting. Size 6 liner brushes are best when working on smaller details.

When painting, you'll need a paint palette. A plastic one will do regardless of paint type.

Painting Surface

Finally, you'll need a painting surface. If you use watercolor, a pre-stretched pad is the most convenient choice among watercolor paper types.



2. Planning Your Project and Budget

Once you know your desired art, plan your project's cost. This way, you'll know your art supply budget.

When planning your artwork and budget, start by looking at prices online. Compare art supply prices to get the best quality out of your budget.

One tip is substituting costly materials for cheaper ones. It's especially if the difference won't be too visible. Make a complete list of the necessary supplies before shopping.

3. Buying Art Supplies Online vs Offline

Buying supplies online is better than brick-and-mortar shops. The costs tend to be lower, and you'll have a better selection.

Unlike traditional stores, online stores don't need to pay rent for their space. Online art stores are also better equipped at serving more people than their offline counterparts. They can bulk-purchase supplies at a discounted price.

The savings benefit the customers through lower prices. 

4. Buy From Quality Art Suppliers

Whether you choose to buy online or offline, make sure to go for reputable art supply companies. These stores will offer you the best options of quality products that can last a long time.

Remember, don't go for art supply stores only because they're cheap. It's important to consider the material's quality and longevity.  We are obviously biased but here at Hippie Crafter we focus on premium art supplies you can trust.  

5. Consider Alternatives

If you're sure about what works of art you'll usually be doing, go for higher-quality products. The best-branded supplies might be more expensive yet they can save some money in the long run.

However, if you're still testing supplies and tools, go for cheaper alternatives. You can also opt for student-grade supplies to save money. 

6. Beware of Appeals to Tradition

While branded products offer the best quality, be wary of "traditionally-branded" products. Art supplies that reference revered artists might only be a marketing ploy.

Don't trust a product only because it's marketed about a tradition or an old master. Do your homework or go for a tried and tested brand to be sure. We have also done the work for you here at Hippie Crafter and you can shop with confidence we have high grade premium art supplies.

7. Learning How to Use and Maintain Art Supplies

Before you buy high-end or expensive art supplies, make sure you know how to use them. Knowing the proper use of art supplies is also essential in maintaining their good shape.

For example, suppose you buy an expensive branded paintbrush. If you don't know its proper use, you might not care about leaving it in a water cup for days. This can ruin the brush and you'll have to buy a new one.

A good place to start is to watch online tutorial videos. Lots of more experienced artists post these to help fledglings learn proper art supply maintenance. Do your research and your materials will last for years.

Buy Art Supplies Today

You need art supplies to better realize your envisioned piece. When buying art supplies, there are several factors to consider.

Make sure you know your desired art form. Plan your work and budget. Look for stores and brands that offer quality, longevity, and fair prices.

If you're looking for crafting products, Hippie Crafter has the materials you need. Check out our catalog so you can create your artwork soon.